Two weeks and counting until my first TRI and this weekend I’ve
signed up to run in two separate 5k races this weekend. While racing today, so
many thoughts were racing through my head so I thought it would be only fitting
to dedicate a blog entry to it. So here you have it-all the thoughts going
through my head pre-race, during the race, and post-race.
My pre-race goal was to keep busy so I wouldn’t get too excited
or butterflies. I was roaming the house like a man on a mission!
Gotta do this, gotta
do that! Can’t go to the race till I’ve finished this and this…Looking at
watch-30 minutes till race time so I
gotta get the heck out of here!
I jump in my car and start the 6 minute drive to the race…
Forgot my water bottle!
Oh well, no big deal…Forget my racing belt! Again, no big deal, I’ll just make
sure to use it tomorrow. WAIT-forgot my
iphone, no 80’s tunes during race? Should I turn around? Nah-I’m not using the
headphones during my tri so I have to get used to racing without them anyway.
Arriving at race where a big fair/festival is taking place…
Can’t believe I can’t
find a parking spot! Race starts in 20 minutes…I gotta make a power move, find
a spot, and get to the starting line! OK- I’ll park at this lot where office is
closed for weekend!
I register, get my bib, and actually have 10 minutes to get

I have to make sure to
stretch the legs well! Remember Jim…hammy was a little tight during last 5k you
ran, loosen that puppy up! Bad news- my cheering sections (the fam) can’t make
this race. Good news- I don’t have to entertain my little girls before race starts
and have more time than normal to stretch! Loosen everything up…OK-time to line
up…don’t be too far back, remember-you got boxed in last race and was slowed at
beginning a bit!
O.K. got a pretty good
spot at start line but it will be a little tricky- all runners have to run
through narrow finish gate to start race…I’m all set- good spot!
Here the gun- go!
Wait, old guy next to me is trying to squeeze in through gate. His elbows are
up as he tries to get me to budge!!! Remember Jimmy- you are a city boy!! This
gibroni is not going to push me aside! Put your elbow up! Did it- through the
gate, now get a little distance between group with a quick sprint…Two guys in
front of me cut me off 25 yds past start so they can chat…I push my way through
them and won’t see them again this race, and I’m off……
Half a mile into the race…
Wow- got off to a
quick start. Maybe pushed a little too much! Breathing heavy, gotta try to
control my breathing!
One mile in and running a steady pace…
Getting fatigued…O.K.
Jimmy, remind yourself why are you running in this? Why did I sign up for this
race? I am gassed! Can’t believe I’m doing this. I should start to walk…but
remember your triathlon! You can’t walk a 5k workout with only 2 weeks! Could
I? New plan- keep up with gray shirt guy in front of you! He has a steady pace
that is right where I should be at!
Here comes water
station- only been running 1+ mile? WTF! Water wasn’t bad, feel better for next
3 seconds. Where is gray shirt guy? OK- got him in sight, all set! Time to set my
pace and run the way I’ve trained-steady pace!
Mile 2…
Wow, feeling much
better! Small rolling hills/inclines… I can keep this pace, still right behind
gray shirt guy. We are both running steady. Nobody passing my either. WAIT= two
high school kids are a making a move on me? Can’t break my pace to speed up, I’ll
never finish! Go ahead guys!
End of Mile 2…
water station, another boost of energy for 5 seconds! Pace is still the same. Gray shirt guy now 40 yards ahead. WAIT-
another person passing me?...Female too? This gal can run…good shape, good
form, she is legit! I’ feeling good, same pace-she’s quicker and I’m letting
her go! Older guy also passes me…oh well…
Mile 3 marker…

at the line now, oh yeah, check the race clock. Holy Moly, I’m 1 minute ahead
of my time 2 weeks ago! 22 minutes flat!!! A personal best 5k! Not too shabby!
And I thought I’d be slower without my 80’s tunes!
your post-race drink and snack! Keep walking around but don’t take too long,
the fam has quite a bit going on…Get to your car….Ouch! You should have used
body glide today! What were you thinking!!! Chafing sucks!!! Don’t rush out of
the house next time!
forgetting your water, body glide, iphone, and racing belt you still had a PB.
That is a trade-off I can live with. Guess there will be no headphones for
tomorrow’s race either!
Wow!!! Great job. 22 minutes is awesome.
ReplyDeleteThanks Theia!